On behalf of the Blue Horizons Team we would like to reassure you during this difficult time that we are following the latest Government advice in reference to COVID-19. Our office is still open fo...

At long last, we're pleased to announce that we have launched our new look brand identity along with our refreshed website. As we grow and progress as a company i...

Blue Horizons is now in its sixteenth year of trading! Our core values remainthe same however as we constantly strive to improve - adapting and cateringto our clients wants and needs - we now feel...

Our office refurbishment: part one
In our latest blog we walk through our recent office refurbishment and the reasons behind it.

Introducing our new hosting packages for 2017
We have introduced new website and email hosting packages for 2017 to help make things even more transparent and to cater for all of our clients’ different levels of needs, whilst still keeping ou...

Launching our brand new website
Progressing with your own marketing is one of the toughest tasks around. There is such a desire to make everything perfect and for you to really love what's being created. We've taken a long time ...

Happy Birthday Blue Horizons – 10 years in Business
Blue Horizons have now officially been trading for 10 years – a whole decade of marketing under our belt. I myself officially joined the company in April 2003 and here I am now in 2012 heading u...